English language course online one-on-one
English language course Online 1 kèm 1 eClass is an English learning program connected “Students and Teachers” through the application of technology eClass for students and commuters, students can easily interact, practice, and get feedback from the teacher in a direct way, bringing experience quality learning and optimization to help improve English skills in a fast and comprehensive.

Students achieve what after the course?

Ability to communicate confidently and effectively

Pronunciation, grammar

Rich vocabulary

Preparation for international exams
Meet the teacher fit
Our team of 100% foreign Teachers match the learning styles and needs of Students.
English – the language of opportunity and confidence.
Teaching Staff
English course one-on-one online for kids gathered a team of 100% foreign Teachers are professionals expertise in compiling the training program and test prep international standards.


About eClass
Learning platform online one-on-one
eClass offer courses online 1 kèm 1, high quality with a team of highly professional and experienced eClass committed to learning methods personalization, to help students improve their knowledge and skills in a most effective way. Join eClass to learn anytime, anywhere, and experience learning method, modern breakthrough!
Contact Information
Inter-Continental Language Center (I-CLC)
I-CLC unit boasts a reputation in the field of English language training, was established from 2007, I-CLC are constantly developing and innovating new methods of teaching to bring to students learning environment, professional and international quality.